Hotel Trudnerhof

Franzelin Andreas & Co. KG

Kirchplatz St. Blasius 7
39040 Trodena
Alto Adige – Italia

+39 0471 869 252

Part. IVA: 00698520210

CIN: IT021102A1SW87SDP3

Online Distribution:
MTS online GmbH
tofisch | villa | verde
Anton Peintner Weg 4
39030 Vintl – Südtirol
Tel. +39 0472 869368

Tutte le immagini inserite sulla pagina sono coperte da copyright e quindi non possono essere inoltrate o usate per altri scopi.
Fotografi che hanno collaborato con noi: Effekt srl, IDM Südtirol/Clemens Zahn, IDM Südtirol/Frieder Blickle, Eisacktal/Stefan Schütz, IDM Südtirol/Alessandro Trovati, TG Castelfeder – TV Trudner Horn – TV Aldein – Thomas Monsorno

Graphics, Programming

Effekt! srl
Via Val di Fiemme 4
39044 Egna
BZ - Alto Adige

Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14, c. 1 Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 on online dispute resolution of (Regulation on consumer ODR):

The European Commission has provided an interactive website (OS platform) for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online sales or service contracts. The European Commission's OS platform can be found at the following link:


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